We all know the difficult times that are happening in Venezuela. A civil war is one of the definitions for the daily situation that exists in Venezuela, where getting a job is difficult, insecurity in some cities is a challenge, and mainly the exodus that many Venezuelans have made.

The Bolivar, the currency of Venezuela has lost so much its value that has already become an ornament and not a means of payment.

In this story, David Mendez, riding the Transmilenio in the Colombian city of Bogota, decided to give a couple of Venezuelans a helping hand.

Published in Spanish on Facebook, following is a translation of the tale:

Today I decided to make an “Investment” with my heart.

Today some Venezuelan brothers rode in a Ttransmilenio, they started handing out what I thought were sweets (as they usually do the Colombian Foragers), then coming closer I see they are giving each person two bills, 100 and 50 Bolivars.

They explain that no exchange house wants to take the bundles of Bolivars they brought, the currency of Venezuela has lost so much its value that has already become an ornament and not a means of payment.

Although the bolivars they gave me are not worth 100 Colombian pesos (about 3 cents American), I decided to give them more than 4000 pesos.

They are our brothers, we were the same nation, and the situation for what is going on in that country is truly regrettable, having to sell their currency as an ornament to be able to get some pesos that in Colombia would consider nothing is a sample of the destruction of value that has created the Maduro government, what more evidence would need one to understand that Venezuela needs our support?

Colombia a country of emigrants today receives a people who need our help, and as there are good Colombians who extend their hand to a brother, there are some unfortunate people who already speak of a severe migration policy to avoid the “Venezuelan Exodus” that ridiculous!!!

It was the Venezuelans who extended many Colombians their hands to help them in our worst times, let us remember, please!

Today I have 150 bolivars I hope that someday will have a real and fair value! That is why I consider it an investment, I have always believed in financial markets as social-value creators.

I believe in Venezuela, I believe that this great country will recover, go ahead, brothers!

My country is beautiful, my country is kind, my country is Colombia! We don’t have everything, but today we say to our Venezuelan brothers, welcome to our house! Do not be intimidated by those who forget the hard times we have gone through.

Fuerza Venezuela, Colombia loves you!